How to: Turn Off the Water on the Samsung Galaxy S3
If you are like me, and not a fan of the water experience on the Galaxy S3, then this little tip should be right up your alley. You see, Samsung went with a nature theme when constructing this phone, so when you lock it or tap on anything, it makes a droplet sound that if left on for long periods of time, could ruin your bladder. Thankfully, they realized that saving the planet 1 water droplet at a time was necessary and gave us the ability to turn it all off.
First up is the lock screen:
1. Head into Settings>Security and tap on “Lock screen options.”
2. Scroll to the bottom and uncheck “Ripple effect.”
3. Your phone will now unlock with an animated lock instead of water.
Second is the water touch noise:
1. Head into Settings>Sound.
2. Scroll to the bottom and uncheck the boxes for ”Touch sounds” and “Screen lock sound.”
3. Enjoy a water-free device.