Codename "Visplore"

Can you imagine Vista like explorer in XP? Now VTP can…

After announcement of codename "Visplore" project at , Lee has been working on alpha builds to make this project become more feasible to show off. You may wonder why choosing to develop own Explorer program instead of Vista toolbar, right? The reason is because there is no such technology to make such full glass border in Windows Explorer. The best possibility so far is WindowBlinds' frame border but it still doesn't support vistalizing toolbar. But Visplore can..

As you can see, now Visplore has reached usable stage. You can browse files normally like Windows Explorer inside Visplore's glass border. Toolbar has aero glass border giving more glass experiences like no others. It may appears to be simple file browser software for now but it can be enhanced like what you see in ViStart. It's just getting started.
Right now visplore's development is focused on breadcrumb bar implementation. You can click on arrow behind each folder to see folder list on right of the arrow. It's not done yet, though but soon Lee will report its progress so keep tracking ;)


calebk said…
this looks really good but i am using Vista inspirat 2 which is a windows ultimate theme. So i am guessing that it won't look that great.